Bloggers Unite Day
In support of Bloggers Unite Day, I am putting aside my crochet hook and my recycled bags to blog about an important cause. On November 10th, thousands of bloggers from around the world will unite to raise their voices on behalf of more than 40 million voiceless refugees. We blog to bring attention to this crisis and to join hearts and minds to help bring forward information, understanding and action.
Refugees United is a non-profit organization that helps refugees relocate family and friends through the use of the internet.
Refugees United provides refugees with an anonymous forum to reconnect with missing family. By registering with nick-names, scars, former locations and other markers only identifiable to family and close friends, everyone can remain ‘invisible’ to all but relatives.
* All refugees are welcome, regardless of conflict, place or time.
* Refugees United is an independent, non-political, non-religious NGO.
* No third party is involved. No official papers need to be filled in.
* The service is free of charge, easy and safe.
The Refugees United search engine is the first of it’s kind. Visit Refugees United to see how it works and to learn more about the work that Refugees United is doing.
So get the word out and lets spread the news in support of Bloggers Unite Day. More information on participating can be found at BlogCatalog. We can all make a difference and unite today!
Tags: bloggers unite
Nov 10, 2008
Cindy, thanks for passing along the great information for Refugees United. Hopefully, on this day, all bloggers can increase awareness about this important cause.
Nov 10, 2008
Great post!
Nov 10, 2008
You are putting in a great deal of the ‘you’ effect around !
Nov 10, 2008
Thank you for your post about this ongoing crisis.
Nov 10, 2008
Hi, what a great post for bloggers unite. I suspect that your readers just like mine are wondering, hey what happened to the crafting? But, sometimes it is necessary to post about a social issue, you have also included some great links…
Hey next time, I also look forward to checking out your blog when you have the crochet hook back in hand – Hugs, Chrissy:D
Nov 10, 2008
Great resource for families that have been seperated and have lost contact with family members. Thanks for that info.
Nov 11, 2008
Thanks for the informative post on refugees. I agree this post is a great resource for families.
Nov 11, 2008
Isn’t this a great cause! Glad to be a fellow blogger with you!
Nov 11, 2008
just taking off a while from usual blogging activities for one post for Blogger’s Unite, makes you feel good after and wish we could have done more. let’s hope we delivered the desired impact and uplift the awareness to others.
Nov 11, 2008
Thanks for commenting on my blog and joining the Bloggers Unite for Refugees initiative. That was a good article.
I also thank you for promoting recycling and giving ideas to your visitors on how to help the environment. One blog can make a small difference in the blogosphere, but one community of bloggers united can make a big difference and bring change to this world.
Nov 11, 2008
Wonderful post! This information will surely teach many people a lot!
Nov 12, 2008
Cindy, I wish all of us luck….a wonderful spot to create awareness…
One thig I’ve always wanted tot ell you Cindy…I say it today
“There are few like you, dear….very few”, “You are one of the best persons I’ve met and hope to meet you someday:P”