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Out of the Pink

Posted on October 8, 2010

Just when everyone is getting into the pink and promoting pink for breast cancer awareness, I’m posting about being out of the pink. My being out of the pink is a really good thing. Because what I’m referring to is my being free of breast cancer.

For those that may not know about my pink journey, you can read all about it at the link provided. I haven’t posted about my cancer in quite awhile. Not that I don’t think about it but sometimes it’s just good not to have to dwell on cancer too much. For the first year after being diagnosed with cancer, that’s all I could do was think about my cancer. At times it felt like I could never NOT think about it. It’s always on your mind and you try real hard not to let it drive you crazy. Then as time goes on, it gets better. It’s not in every thought you have. It’s not the first thing you think about when you wake up and it’s not the last thought you have when you drift off to sleep. You do learn to deal with it or at least come to terms with it.

The battle is never easy and at times unbearable. But for me, time has helped and my body has healed. It’s been just over two and a half years now and with just having completed scans for cancer two weeks ago, I have good news. I am so happy to say — I’m out of the pink and into the NED. NED being no evidence of disease. All I can really say is praise God and try to remember to enjoy each and every precious moment of life.

If you take nothing else from this blog post, I hope you take a moment to be thankful for your health, your life, your family, your faith, and remember all those who are still battling this vicious foe. Some day all our tears will be wiped away and there will be no more pain, no more sadness, and no more death.

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14 Responses to “Out of the Pink”

  1. Kristy
    Oct 08, 2010

    I am so happy that you are out of the pink and into the NED! ((((((((Hugs)))))))))

  2. Claire
    Oct 08, 2010

    Hooray for being out of the pink!! šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

    Things like this fuel my passion to do more self exam doodles šŸ™‚

  3. Aimee
    Oct 08, 2010

    Oh, YAY!!!! Congratulations!!!

  4. magdala
    Oct 09, 2010


    (My husband just got his first post treatment NED for throat cancer, here’s hoping to many more for you both!)

  5. Stephanie Appleton
    Oct 10, 2010

    SOOOOOO very happy for you!

  6. Snowcatcher
    Oct 12, 2010

    You brought tears to my eyes when I read you’re clear! Congrats! Wonderful news! I’m still “in the pink” because I still have friends going through chemo and a family member with a new lump… Like you, I’m hoping and praying for the day we can be rid of this disease.

  7. bernie kasper
    Oct 13, 2010

    That’s wonderful..may you live to be 100 and see that dreaded disease expire in our lifetime !!

  8. Wendy Lichti
    Oct 27, 2010

    Congrats on being NED. I too am a breast cancer survivor. Actually a two time BCS. And I had my second battle 2 1/2 years ago too! And it does feel great to be alive! Thank you for your wonderful website. You are so very creative!

  9. Janet
    Oct 29, 2010

    Just stumbled onto your site–just started making bags from plarn–also like you I am “out of the pink”–my diagnosis and double radical was Apr. 15, 2008–sounds like we have a lot in common–would love to chat sometime–BTW-YOU MADE MY DAY!!!!

  10. Tericloth
    Nov 02, 2010

    So happy for you! May every day be better and better.

  11. Judy Pennington
    Nov 29, 2010

    I discovered your site looking for recycle projects. Specifically, the walker bags. Loved the idea of the “plarn” as I had oodles of the bags just piling up in my utility room. I could never remember to take them to the story for recycling. Now I’m glad I didn’t. I made a walker bag for an elderly lady at my church who is not as lucky as you. Her cancer was in remission for about a year and then came back with a vengenance, it’s in her bones now. She really loves her bag and uses it at home since she doesn’t get to make it to church much any more.
    So glad you’re NED, you’ll be an inspiration to alot of people on here. Judy

  12. Enid Ballard
    Dec 24, 2010

    SOOOOOO very happy for you!

  13. Nicole
    Dec 26, 2010

    I am so happy to hear about your good news. Although I am a couple months behind on reading this, I can totally relate! It’s amazing what a Google search can do. I put in a search for “pink recycled bags” and your site came up and before I knew it, I found myself reading this post. I too am a breast cancer survivor. It was one year from diagnosis for me as of Aug. 2010. I can totally relate to what you wrote. You might be able to help me with what I am looking for. I am trying to find bags that can be used as take home bags for breast cancer survivors when they leave our local Casting for Recovery retreat in June. I’d love to talk to you more about your cancer journey, the bags, and even tell you more about this amazing organization. Please email me when you get the chance. Hope you had a merry Christmas and an amazing new year.

    God bless!


  14. GeorgiaAnn Aeverman
    Aug 30, 2011

    I am so thrilled that you are out of the pink…or cancer free. I lost my mother and one sister to breast cancer. My other sister and I and our female descendants get checked each year. I do not have a website. But, I am on facebook under this name: GeorgiaAnn Fruen Aeverman.

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Hello, Iā€™m Cindy or aka RecycleCindy. Welcome to my blog site that is dedicated to recycling and crafting. I love to crochet and create crafts and other useful things from recycled materials. I share many free tutorials and patterns for creating recycled projects as well as other handmade items.

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