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Tag Archive | "double-layered-towel-topper"

Christmas Towel Toppers

December 9, 2023 No comments yet

Here are two Christmas towels that I bought at the Dollar Store. They make wonderful holiday themed towels by adding a crocheted towel topper with a jingle bell.

I used the double layered towel topper pattern that is a free crochet pattern.

I did work the handle on 8 stitches just because this 24/7 cotton yarn is thin. This gives the handle a bit more strength for hanging it up. For the buttonhole, I crocheted 2 chains and skipped 2 stitches for the space for the jingle bell. Depending on the size of the button or jingle bell you use, just adjust your stitches to make the hole big enough for the size you need.

Here is one more photo of the other Christmas towel topper.

Pointed Handle Towel Topper

January 15, 2012 15 comments

Here is my latest towel topper crocheted pattern. It is a double layer towel that is folded over and requires no cutting or sewing. The towel topper is simply added by working a base row along the top edge of the towel using a small steel crochet hook. I have a picture tutorial here that shows in more detail how I fold, pin, and crochet the first base row through both layers of the folded towel.

Here is another one I did using a printed novelty towel.

Pointed Handle Towel Topper Pattern

Materials needed:
1- Kitchen towel or decorative towel (15 inches wide x 24 inches long used)
1- oz. Sport weight mercerized Cotton
1- 3/4 inch button

#7 Steel hook
G (4-4.25 mm) hook

This towel topper uses the double layered fold and pin method. See my picture tutorial on how to prepare the top of towel to begin Sc stitching along top edge if you are not familiar with this no-sewing or cutting method. All crochet terms are US as shown in this pattern.

Row 1
Fold the towel exactly in half and using the steel crochet hook to poke holes, Sc evenly along the top edge of towel. (You will be Sc’g through both layers of the towel along the top edge.) I had 60 Sc along the top of the edge but it will vary depending on your stitch placement and yarn weight used. Just try and have an even number of stitches along the top. Otherwise it doesn’t matter how many stitches you have along the top of the towel.

Row 2
Using the G crochet hook, Ch 2, turn. Dc in each st.

About Me

Hello, I’m Cindy or aka RecycleCindy. Welcome to my blog site that is dedicated to recycling and crafting. I love to crochet and create crafts and other useful things from recycled materials. I share many free tutorials and patterns for creating recycled projects as well as other handmade items.

Here is a direct link to all my free patterns available here on My Recycled Bags.

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