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Tag Archive | "fundraiser"

Auction Bucket

February 12, 2023 No comments yet

For an upcoming Library fundraiser, I have been working on this auction bucket of items.

The bucket includes a recycled tote bag crocheted from plastic bags made into plarn, a potholder towel, a heart cloth, a bottle of wine, wooden spoons, candles, chocolates, and a crocheted dish scrubbie.

Here are photos of the potholder towel and the dish scrubbie I crocheted with cotton yarn and a strip of netting held together.

Mulberry Plarn Gift Basket

February 4, 2018 1 comment

I crocheted a gift basket using recycled white plastic bags cut into plarn for an upcoming library fundraiser. I wanted to color match the basket with a few cloths in the gift basket. So I used the same mulberry cotton yarn for the stripe on the basket as I did when I crocheted the cloths.

Here is the free plarn basket pattern which I used to crochet the basket. I used double strands of regular cotton yarn to crochet the matching stripe.

My camera doesn’t really capture the matching colors but the items do look good together and I am hoping people will bid on this for auction for the library.

The cloths were crocheted using the same mulberry I love this yarn for the corded cloth and within the large mandala crocheted cloth. Here are the links for the crochet patterns for the cloths.

Recycling & Dishcloths

October 13, 2017 1 comment

You may be wondering how recycling and dishcloths go together? Well I had received this pretty green glass jar with a flower arrangement in it recently. It is a lovely jar and I thought it would be a nice item to recycle and decorate for an upcoming charity fundraiser. So I rolled up a few crocheted dishcloths and placed them in the jar and I added an inspirational ribbon as an embellishment around the top. Here is the finished project which I call a recycled jar of cloths.

I also tried out a new dishcloth pattern called Ship’s Helm. This is a super easy and very fast pattern. Here are the three cloths I crocheted using the pattern.

About Me

Hello, I’m Cindy or aka RecycleCindy. Welcome to my blog site that is dedicated to recycling and crafting. I love to crochet and create crafts and other useful things from recycled materials. I share many free tutorials and patterns for creating recycled projects as well as other handmade items.

Here is a direct link to all my free patterns available here on My Recycled Bags.

Thank you for stopping by to visit and for your interest in My Recycled Bags!