Greenhouse Raised Beds
As I continue on my gardening venture, I am happy to report that my raised beds have been added inside my new greenhouse. My dh built raised gardening boxes on each side using old recycled boards that we had leftover from an old fort we tore down. He built both boxes and then installed them along the sides.
Here is the first box when it was done and filled with organic topsoil. I started my seedlings in the house and got them transplanted this past weekend. Here is my carrots which were more than ready to be replanted as they had outgrown my egg carton I recycled for a seed starter.
Here is a final photo of both raised beds with my tomatoes, carrots, onions, lettuce and green peppers. I think my veggie seedlings are happy with their new home inside the greenhouse. Now if it would just stop raining so the sun could shine on my greenhouse I’d be happy.
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