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Tag Archive | "Gardening"

Self-Watering Planters

May 26, 2011 5 comments

I have a recycled gardening project to share with you all. I’ve heard about self-watering planters that you can make yourself and after searching around the Internet, I found several different versions. For my planter, I used 2 recycled plastic buckets, a tin can, and a piece of plastic piping I found in my basement.

Here is my recycled self-watering tomato planter. I say recycled as I didn’t buy anything for this project and all the items were either recycled, repurposed, or re-used. Now for the details…

I get these buckets for a dollar at my local grocery store’s bakery. They are food grade so they are perfect for making the self-watering containers. I used this DIY tutorial link at to make the planter with the pipe. There is also a tutorial at the same link that shows how to make the planter without the pipe and also a plastic pop bottle version too.

Here is a closeup of the can I used for my wickering can. It’s a 15 oz bean tin can with lots of holes drilled into it. This can was the perfect height for inside my self-watering containers as it just reaches inside the top of the stacked containers.

I made two of these planters in the past 2 weeks. Now I’m just waiting and hoping for lots of tasty tomatoes to grow in my self-watering containers. I’ll post again later this summer to let you all know how it works out using this method.

Harvesting My Potatoes

September 19, 2010 13 comments

It was time today to harvest my potatoes that I have been growing in my round cylinder with straw. This was an experiment this season that I learned from some gardening friends on-line. They had told me about how you could grow potatoes in straw rather than in the ground.

Using a piece of fencing, I made a round cylinder. I planted one seed potato cut into 4 parts with each piece having an eye that sprouted. I placed the potato seeds on top of a small dirt mound and put the fencing around it. I wrapped a piece of burlap around the bottom to hold in the plants and moisture. Then I covered it with a thin layer of straw as the seeds sprouted. The above picture was taken in July when the potatoes were still growing. You just add a bit of straw to cover the plants as they grow. You do leave the tops exposed.

Here is a photo when it was first growing.

Once the tops flower and die, you know it’s about time to harvest your potatoes. My potatoes were at the bottom of the straw at the top of the dirt. I’m thinking that I started them too late which may have been why they didn’t grow more up into the straw.

Here is my harvest. I know it probably doesn’t look like much but this was just one small seed potato that I used. Next year, I will start earlier and plant more potatoes so my bounty is bigger. But overall I was happy with the results of growing the potatoes in straw.

Greenhouse Raised Beds

June 3, 2010 3 comments

As I continue on my gardening venture, I am happy to report that my raised beds have been added inside my new greenhouse. My dh built raised gardening boxes on each side using old recycled boards that we had leftover from an old fort we tore down. He built both boxes and then installed them along the sides.

Here is the first box when it was done and filled with organic topsoil. I started my seedlings in the house and got them transplanted this past weekend. Here is my carrots which were more than ready to be replanted as they had outgrown my egg carton I recycled for a seed starter.

Here is a final photo of both raised beds with my tomatoes, carrots, onions, lettuce and green peppers. I think my veggie seedlings are happy with their new home inside the greenhouse. Now if it would just stop raining so the sun could shine on my greenhouse I’d be happy.

My Gardening Venture

May 26, 2010 7 comments

I am excited to start a new category here at my blog. In a effort to become more self-sustaining and frugal, I have started gardening. Of course when you live in the mountains and want to be successful gardening, you need a greenhouse. Well here is my new greenhouse. It was built from a kit and we finished it last weekend.

Here is my DH working hard on the greenhouse. I must say that he built most of greenhouse by himself and while it was a kit, it wasn’t easy to put together. The instructions were not very clear and he had to improvise quite often but he made it work and got my greenhouse built. Personally I think its beautiful and I am so proud of my husband building it for me.

Here are some seedlings I started in the house and moved out to the greenhouse. I’ve used recycled containers for my starts. The white buckets are recycled from my local bakery. I have my one big tomato plant in a white bucket as shown in the photo. I plan to transplant more tomato seedlings into the big buckets this weekend. We also will be building some wooden planter boxes for each side of the greenhouse floor area.

I will blog more about my gardening venture in the days to come. I will share my ideas, my successes and my failures as I explore the world of gardening. I will incorporate my recycling ideas into my gardening and will share my experiences as this gardening season progresses. Please feel free to contribute and help me as I develop my gardening skills.

About Me

Hello, I’m Cindy or aka RecycleCindy. Welcome to my blog site that is dedicated to recycling and crafting. I love to crochet and create crafts and other useful things from recycled materials. I share many free tutorials and patterns for creating recycled projects as well as other handmade items.

Here is a direct link to all my free patterns available here on My Recycled Bags.

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