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T-Shirt Yarn Baby Bib

May 21, 2023 No comments yet

T-shirt yarn or tarn as some call it, is created by cutting a t-shirt into narrow strands. The ideal method is to find a t-shirt without side seams and cut it into one continuous strand. Then you stretch it to make what I call curled t-shirt yarn. Here is a tutorial on how to make curled t-shirt yarn.

That is the process that I used to crochet this baby bib.

I used the bottom hem from the t-shirt for the ties on the bib. The free crochet pattern with all the details can be found here. I did do a few modifications to original pattern which are as follows:

About Me

Hello, I’m Cindy or aka RecycleCindy. Welcome to my blog site that is dedicated to recycling and crafting. I love to crochet and create crafts and other useful things from recycled materials. I share many free tutorials and patterns for creating recycled projects as well as other handmade items.

Here is a direct link to all my free patterns available here on My Recycled Bags.

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